Friday, April 28, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Spin the Black Circle
Captions aside, look at "Sally"'s left arm and where it's resting on the table -- what the hell is going on there? It looks like an Escher painting or something.
Posted by
10:03 am
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
You Can't Improve on Perfection
I swear to God, I have not altered this image (or the text) in any way:
It's funny, because the word "queer" has changed in meaning over time from "strange" to "lesbian, gay or transgender"! And the hockeystick looks like a massive dildo.
Mock the past. MOCK IT!
Posted by
9:01 am
Labels: mock the past, original caption
Monday, April 17, 2006
Friday, April 14, 2006
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Questions that are Asked Frequently
Well, it's been a week now, and the bulk of hits have subsided. Most of the visits from the likes of and Warren Ellis have ebbed away, and I'm mostly reduced to being passed around LiveJournals and message boards like Mariah Carey at a G-Unit after party.
I am, of course, left with a much larger readership than when I started, which is no bad thing. Assuming that most of the folks reading now are sticking around, now would be a good time to address a few issues that have come up...
For the interest of some, here are the publications I've been swiping images from (unfortunately, some of them don't appear to have publication dates on them):
The Book for Girls
Chick's Own Annual 1954
Girls' Crystal Annual 1952
Happy Story Book
The Modern Book for Girls 1960 (probably)
The Oxford Annual for Girls 1933
The Oxford Annual for Girls 1939
Popular Book for Girls
Not Enid Fucking Blyton. The reason I have access to all of them is that my girlfriend collects such publications from fairs and opshops for the purposes of decorating a room with the colour plates one day. (She's also the one who told me that those are Mary Janes, not plimsolls.)
In terms of T-shirts, mugs or what have you, while I'm as consumerist a whore as the next man, and I'd love to make such commodities available via the likes of, I'm not 100% sure where I stand copyright-wise. I think the limit is currently 50 years in England, so the images from the 30s and early 50s are probably safe, but I'm not sure. I do know that it's when you start making money off things that people start to get miffed. For all I know, I'm just about to be sued into permanent incontinence just for putting them up here.
And comments and e-mails would suggest that the Anne Frank one is still the crowd favourite. I hear you: more jokes about poo.
Posted by
12:37 pm
Labels: qtaawsdof
Friday, April 07, 2006
If it's Friday, it must be a Pirate Joke
Posted by
9:24 am
Labels: cafepress design
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
OK, Fine
While I still have an audience, let's go for three a week instead of two, on the assumption that I'm not as creatively barren as I secretly think I am, and won't run out of ideas in a month (instead of a month and a half, if I'd stuck to two). Look for new posts Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Posted by
10:04 am
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Holy Crap
OK, I'm pretty sure it went like this:
Some dude on LiveJournal → →* → Kung Fu Monkey → to infinity and beyond.
In the space of a day my hits have increased by orders of magnitude. Orders of magnitude, motherfuckers! This calls for a celebration -- have an extra one:
* Just to establish my Warren Ellis fanboy credentials: with my Edison Hate Future T-shirt in the wash, I'm currently wearing a VACUOUS TART shirt I made myself, based on one Yelena wears in an issue of TRANSMETROPOLITAN.
Posted by
1:04 pm