Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Now With Cruelty to Animals!

Peggy was a psychotic little bitch.


Anonymous said...

Susie's genetic research program was not without setbacks. Sometimes the mutant dog would inexplicably attack the mutant rabbit. But soon - soon! - the kinks would be ironed out. A herd of giant mutant purple hippos would emerge from the cruel morning mist. Then, and only then, would the neighborhood regret its earlier scorn and recognise her true genius. But by then it would be too late.

Anonymous said...

The neighbors discreetly watched the gladiatorial joust from a hole in the fence. Despite the obviously entertaining scene, they couldn't help but wish that Susie would put some goddamn underpants on.

Anonymous said...

Susie built the prototype pets-with-earplugs-for-faces so we would commune with the dog, the rabbit and the Llama...Fuck Doolittle

Anonymous said...

Now if only Peggy could find a big-enough flowerpot for the unsuspecting donkey next door...