Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
While I still have an audience, let's go for three a week instead of two, on the assumption that I'm not as creatively barren as I secretly think I am, and won't run out of ideas in a month (instead of a month and a half, if I'd stuck to two). Look for new posts Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
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10:04 am
The girls loved trying to guess the ethnicities of their father's rotating cast of boyfriends, and he'd picked this fellow up just to give them a real challenge.
Jim had finally found a husband for his conjoined daughters. They seemed please dispite the parisite on his upper lip.
"You're not getting your cap back," twittered the girls, "until you've given us both a big surprise!"
"Bertie," muttered Uncle Jack out of the side of his mouth, "you might want to fetch your camera."
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