Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
Captions aside, look at "Sally"'s left arm and where it's resting on the table -- what the hell is going on there? It looks like an Escher painting or something.
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10:03 am
What do you mean There is no Dark side of the Moon?
Linda was taken aback by the strange glow that marked a Curie Records platter, but like all the teenyboppers of her generation she soon learned to love their warm feel and wild sounds.
Ten years later, the first fans started having children, and the horror began.
With light music playing and Jane finally at ease. Xlorbax could finally remove his mask and show her his true form.
"I am so fucking high right now"
As perfect as his disguise otherwise was, Billy's disguise was nevertheless marred by the fact that he had forgotten to remove his goatee. Jane was not impressed.
They reeled in horror as the record played backwards:
"Satan, Satan, Satan, - it's the only way!"
she-mantis, please tell me if the younger generation has already forgotten how we listened to music not too long ago.
"old-timey disc machine"
It was called a record player. We'd take these plastic cassettes about the size of a VHS tape, slipped it into a slot and listened to 8 tracks of magic.
Never would've noticed the arm placement. That's cool as hell.
Jane groaned in supposed aural pain as the record started to play.
"NOOOOO, Kate!!! not another fucking Jonas Nordwall album!?!?"
Kate said nothing but smiled slightly to herself, knowing that Jane would soon be encased in concrete.
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