Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
I swear to God, I have not altered this image (or the text) in any way:
It's funny, because the word "queer" has changed in meaning over time from "strange" to "lesbian, gay or transgender"! And the hockeystick looks like a massive dildo.
Mock the past. MOCK IT!
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9:01 am
Labels: mock the past, original caption
That's a FIELD hockey stick... which really makes the joke, as there is a stereotype that field hockey is played exclusively by lesbians.
It was all over, the home team had won. Now Alice knew there were only two choices. Bend over, or the twins advancing from behind would do it for her...
Heh... Queer is gay.
You were offsides. I don't like it when my forward is offsides. It makes me very unhappy. I think it's time for you to take some punishment. Bitch.
I've got 36 inches of wooden, duct tape reinforced justice just itching to teach you the meaning of "penalty shot". Next time bring the Gatorade when we tell you to.
consider it mocked. :) love ur stuff.
"gee, generally when i stroke it like this, it gets hard..."
"A whistle? You brought a whistle? At least I brought a hockey stick. How the fuck are you going to kill the Children of the Damned with a whistle?"
Grace had only a field hockey stick to protect her, and the undead advanced.
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