Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
Seriously -- that kid is like the Platonic Ideal of "standing akimbo". Print this picture out and keep it, so that if anyone ever asks you "Akimbo? What does that mean?" you can show them and say "That's what akimbo means, Jack! No, I don't know why she's doing that with her skirt. Worms, perhaps."
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9:24 am
Labels: cafepress design
At the height of the Great Elastic Shortage, children would spend hours every day just holding their knickers up.
"That'th jutht too eathy," lisped Violet, "you're hiding the painting behind your back!" She was about to continue "You'll never guethth where I've hidden the cuckoo clock!" but three o'clock had already arrived.
"Lucy-V. It's a scout belt. If your going to do it without your hands you need to know these things. Pull up on the clasp on my right then it will pull through. After that you get your treat."
"Jimmy, I want to play 'doggies' again. Can we? Huh? Can we please?"
"Tommy, what in god's name is happening to the wall behind us? The clock's been just... deleted somehow."
"I don't know sis, just don't look at it. Whatever you do, don't look at it."
"Don't worry, Rose", said the Doctor, "The strange time-regression phenomena will be over in a moment."
"For God sake, take it like a man Florence! If you don't insert the batteries you won't gain "X-Ray" vision and become a Superhero like me." Said Transvestite Boy
"While you're down there..."
I love the word akimbo! I never get to used it, though, so I tend to stand akimbo now. The joke, of course, is that it doesn't actually help me get to say "akimbo" at all.
And I had worms once, and yeah, that's how I was standing the whole time.
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