Thursday, December 14, 2006

2 Beautiful 2 Live

'Yes, kill him -- he's too beautiful to live! I’ve worn my hands to gnarled, arthritic stumps thinking of him!' Agent Fury steadied his pistol and looked away. He knew he could never go through with it if he had to look the man in his eyes -- those dreamy, smouldering pools of purest azure crystal...


Anonymous said...

WAIT! Watch, I do this funny thing where I pretend to crush peoples' heads between my thumb and finger. You just have to squint or maybe close one eye...oh, sorry.

Anonymous said...

"I may be hideously ugly, and I may have unfortunate personal habits, but it's you, brother, that is the real monster"

"Be quiet, Igor, I only need one more eyeball."

Unknown said...

"I don't know how it works. Just drink this and your Hathaway shirts will popular again with the younger crowd. Remember Members Only?

dialmformetcalfe said...

"Fucking zombie is going to ruin the exectution again," said Captain Swishcock. "Though, I must admire his sense of pride and vanity. His brain is in a bucket on the floor, yet thanks to a well placed combover one would never notice."

The Rev. Jenner J. Hull said...

"Hey! Over here! Yeah, you one-eyed bastard, I'm like a mongoose, I stick and... Aargh!"