Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Reader Mail #5
Been a while since I did one of these -- this one was submitted by "Anonymous", 22 September 2006. They always seem to be from “Anonymous”, don’t they? Maybe it’s only by abandoning all sense of self and personal aggrandisement that true comedy genius can be achieved. Something to think about.
Posted by
9:50 am
Labels: reader mail
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Fan Art #1
My birthday present from forensic gynaecologist and part-time sexual Tyrannosaur, RSJS: a kilt-wearing, top-hatted monkey with accompanying fluids.
Not pictured: Small child named Timmy.
(Check out the photographic artworks of RSJS here, and the workblog of his latest project here -- warning: may contain Emo.)
Posted by
8:35 pm
Labels: monkey
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
Today is my Birthday
You may ply me with adulation... now.
Posted by
9:07 am
Labels: anniversary
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Well, since it's my birthday in a couple of days, and since Blogger supports it properly now, I've splashed out on the www.monkeyfluids.com domain name. Update your bookmarks! Or not -- the old address will continue to work as well.
I'm about to update the shirts in the CafePress stores with the new address -- the handful of you who've bought garments already can bask in the smugness of knowing that your merchandise is now "limited edition" or "classic" or "before Josh got all big-headed and sold out -- you've changed man, you've changed."
Posted by
9:15 am
Labels: news
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A Slayer's Work is Never Done
I'm pretty sure that's two Gratuitous Pop Culture References in one there. Monkey Fluids: value for money. If you were actually paying money to read this, that is.
Posted by
9:20 am
Labels: gratuitous, pop culture reference
Friday, January 05, 2007
The Foetid Stench of Capitalism
Yeah, so there are some ads over on the right now. I'm currently diggin' on Project Wonderful -- it combines the competitive allure of eBay with the exposure and self-aggrandisement of MySpace!
Of course, since it goes by competing bids, not paying per click, the chances of me making anything from it are contingent on more than four people wanting to advertise here at once. Not looking hopeful. Nevertheless, click an ad or two to support what looks to be a very nifty system, and look for Monkey Fluids buttons popping up on sites considerably more popular than this one.
Posted by
1:59 pm
Labels: news
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Back in Black and White
Holy crap -- it's, like, a new year and everything! That means an entirely new number at the end of every date. I'm struggling to cope.
Good things to happen to me over these holidays included the first occasion on which I was recognised by a complete stranger for my Monkey Fluids shirt -- hi to Sarah from New World in Warkworth. (Was it Sarah? I'm reliably shit at remembering names -- you know who you are.) Also, confirmation of my suspicion that I am an idol to teenagers worldwide. The tumescence of my ego rests squarely upon their heads. You heard me.
Less good things included the observation that a vast percentage of visitors over the last few weeks have been people searching various engines for horse fucking, drawn like moths to a flame to the title of this recent post. Actually, I lie -- that was one of the good things, too.
Enough reminiscence -- on with the show...
Posted by
12:48 pm