Credit where it's due: The title and content of today's post was inspired by child educator and recreational abortionist Apathy Jack.
Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
Credit where it's due: The title and content of today's post was inspired by child educator and recreational abortionist Apathy Jack.
"No, it's my turn to be Bush. I'm sick of being Blair..."
"Hold still, or I'll never get that gerbil out!"
I'm going to hell.
It's a good thing I'll have you to keep me company...
The evolution of flinging poo: The butt-rocket launcher.
"Does this mean I'm spanking...no. NO, GODDAMMIT, I WON'T say IT!" Off-camera, Clyde broke down in tears.
"You'll feel a slight pressure..."
"Abracadabra!" Baby monkey was delighted. He never could figure out how grandpa monkey made that rubber chicken disappear.
"Where's Grant?" Adam asked again.
"He's gone on location," Jamie said. "Along with Carrie and Tori. We're gonna bust this spankin' myth all on our own."
"Hope we have to revisit this in a reprise episode," Adam whimpered.
"You and me both," Jamie said.
"You took off your beret," Adam shuddered.
"That's just the beginning. We have a whole day of high speed shooting to do."
"Oh CHRIST," Adam gasped. "Oh Christ..."
Proof of evolution: spanking fetishes are not limited just to humans.
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