Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I just like the word "harridan"

'Christine! Are you trying to give people cancer with the power of your mind again? You promised you'd stop!' 'Not while you draw breath, harridan,' muttered Christine.


Anonymous said...

"Christine, whatever's the matter?"

"Oh Sandra... I appear to have given MYSELF a brain tumor!"

Sandra chuckled to herself. Christine would never know who the true culprit was...

Adny said...

"I know, I know, this upholstery gives me a headache too."

Dan said...

"Dude, check it out! Those magic mushrooms are making this upholstery look all trippy! Far out!"

"I told you before those were plain old sauteed mushrooms on your steak. And stop criticizing my decor! Bitch!"

Tim said...

"I reckon if I can get it in up to the elbow I'll be able to wrap my little finger around your cerebral cortex…"

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah doesn't that bitch ever stop nagging.


"Christine, why aren't you coming out to play tennis?"
But how could she tell Stella that she was going to 'come out' to play tennis as soon as Martina Navratilova's game had finished on the telly.

Anonymous said...

"It's no good sulking, I'm not coming anywhere near your minge until you've done the washing up"

("Harridan's" good, but I'm a "minge" man myself.)

Anonymous said...

Julia could only gasp with joy.
Wendy had made chairs from her own vomit!