Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
An extra one for Saturday. Why were people like that 70 years ago? This might have something to do with it:
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9:27 am
Labels: mock the past
Oh shit, I had my mouth all set for a slice of pork lard. What a disappointment.
Mmmm. Looks like the next installment in the "Give up before you clog up" anti-smoking campaign...
"a tin of suet was one of the supplies taken by Captain Scott on his historic trek to the Antarctic in the early 1900's. It was returned to Atora with the suet contents still pure and intact."
No comment.
I keep seeing "aorta".
Mmm, just the thing to go with a warm yummy cup of Bovril.
That actually looks pretty appetizing.
Ward, the Beave wont eat his fat...go talk to him will you.
Sure June, just let me finish off the bourbon and filterless cigarette and I be right down.
Now Beave, you do know that Cpt. Scott took Atora with him to the Antarctic don't you? He didn't even open it up and you remember what happened to him? He died Beave. That's right...he didn't eat Atora and Died. Do you want to die Beave?
Well, golly gee whiz dad, I sure don't want to die, but Atora really isn't that good.
You know Beave, I didn't like pure fat that much when I was your age. Nope...sure didnt. However, I used to make a game out of it.
Oh, really! What did you do Dad?
Well, since we lived in the wood Beave, we had lots of wild pigs around. I used to mount a wild pig naked and chew the fat back right off him as he tried to get away. Boy was that fun!
Alright! You sure did a lot of cool stuff when you were young Dad.
Ward, the neighbors just called and apparently Beaver is naked and mounting the little fat girl across the street. They say he is biting her. What has gotten into that kid...can you go talk to him?
The decline in popularity of Suet is uncannily matched by the decline in popularity of hoop rolling.
Surely this is can't be mere coincidence.
"Martha had heard that pork fat made your hair lustrous and strong. Unfortunately, after applying a liberal quantity, the cat wouldn't stop sucking on her head and she was regularly chased by the neighbor's dog...."
There is absolutely nothing funny about a deliciously steamy pudding treat. lol Pudding.
Years ago I found a book of Atora suet recipes in a junk shop...
God I feel like an outcast. I bought a pack of Atora on Friday to make dumplings for a casserole. It was lovely.
Am I some throwback to a forgotten era?
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