Monday, February 11, 2008

Mock the Past: Vintage Racism 1

Something different this week: time to offload a pile of images that best serve as a reminder that the past is indeed another country. A country where this sort of thing is par for the course:

Vintage racism, number 1

It gets worse.


Anonymous said...

I blame the bloccoli

Apathy Jack said...

Wun Tu Three is the coolest name ever.

Hello first born...

Anonymous said...

China should start taking note of pollution warnings if it means "rabbits" as fucking huge as those are walking around and talking to each other.

Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling said...

"Blinky" watched early North Korean centrifuge attempts with contempt.

Anonymous said...

It was out of necessity that Wun Tu Three started Wun's Laundry following the spill down the hill. The Cadburry Rabbits were able to shit one more chocolate egg each before Wun steamrolled their asses. Wunn boiled their bodies down to make a soft bunny water that is still used in chinese laundries today...sure you could use Calgon, they already crush the bunnies, but why not just do it yourself?