Why must the Monkey subject poor Timmy to the horrors of his variegated fluids? The gods themselves, they do not know.
From offensive Asian stereotypes to offensive African stereotypes:
I should mention that this one is from the same book as yesterday's -- you didn't have to look far for your racism in the 40s.
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9:32 am
Labels: mock the past
I just love the fact that the "evil black magic" is "Tickly Powder"...well, I'm not sleeping tonight...
As soon as I finish all this skull fucking, I am going to spank you, monkey.
Now, take this powder and cast it over that little man in the boat...
Great working hours though. Where can I apply?
Damn, Nico beat me to it but anyway...
3 hours a day! They've got to learn to help themselves.
"Why are you waring that stupid monkey suit?" said Bobo.
"Why are you wearing that stupid human suit?" replied the evil magician...
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