Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Return to the Tree

Eventually, the creationists learned to argue from a position of mutual respect. Their dogs, however, retained their taste for human flesh and knack for treeing their quarry. 'Damn it! I should never have evolved them to act that way.' 'No, you still haven't quite got it. Here, let's get to safety, then we can go over phenotypic plasticity...'

Well, the first one has received more attention than any other comic I've done -- I figure it deserved a sequel.


Anonymous said...

"I don't know what you rolled in, Hortense, but THEY seem to like it."

Anonymous said...

"Damn it, Cynthia, I told you not to mess with those pheromones! Now we're about to be raped by dogs and it's all your fault! But then, if there are any cameras around I suppose we'll become famous in Japan as bestial porn stars... Well, silver lining, and all that."

Anonymous said...

As Ruprecht got it on with his foot fetish, he heard the braying of dogs behind him, "Damn! I thought it would take them longer to find us! Quick, Cynthia, come down and let me have at you! Those religious fanatics are easier on fornicators than queers and fetishists."

Anonymous said...

"But don't you see the flaw in your argument Reverand. If you believe in instant creation then those dogs should not exist."

"I shall refer to my earlier counter-argument"

"The one where you go "blah-blah-blah I'm not listening."?"

"That's the fellow... besides when they bite you a knew arse you'll soon know they exist."

"But that's just the point .... Oh what's the use?"

Anonymous said...

Boys! Train dogs, and get to see up girl's skirts! Save $$$$ on pornography! We can show you how: send SAE for our introductory pamphlet "Man's Best Friend - Your Passport to Intimate Relief".

Ed said...

"Oh, sure. 'Release the Hounds!' All fun and games, isn't it Daphne? Well, they're released, now come down from there and take your medicine."

Anonymous said...

Johny had just discovered that girls can, and indeed do, fart.

Quite violently.

And it didn't smell of rose petals.

Anonymous said...

Doing it in trees seemed like the logical solution. There's nothing worse than having a strangers dog lick your balls mid thrust. They liked being watched, they just wished those pervs would learn to wank and hold a dog leash at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Isaac had reached his limit. He would tolerate no more mockery of his zebra-riding. With his trusty harpoon in hand, he would be sure that these two would be taught a painful lesson.

The wolves would ensure there would be no evidence left behind.

Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling said...

You know Brock, that's probably closer to the truth than you realise.